
What are some of the most common student loan cyber scams to watch out for?

With the student loan pause ending and the student loan forgiveness program ruling on the horizon, it is an uncertain time for federal student loan debt holders… and cyber criminals are ready to capitalize on it.

冻结债务上限的协议达成, 它保证结束联邦学生贷款支付暂停, a pause that’s been in effect for more than three years due to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. 随着暂停的取消,学生贷款的支付 will resume in October.

但如果最高法院的裁决支持拜登总统的 student loan forgiveness program,一些缓解可能即将出现. 而借款人则在等待决定, 会在这个月晚些时候或7月发生吗, preparation is necessary. Federal student loan holders should not only be preparing for the financial impact of resuming payments but for potential cyber scams associated with student loans. 

Student loan-themed scams are not new, 事实上, 一份报告估计,学生贷款骗局窃取了近 $5 billion from Americans 仅2022年一年, which is why it is more important than ever to be aware of potential scams you may come across. 

While t在这里 are some legal yet predatory scams that target student debt holders, this article will focus on some of the most common cyber-attacks that use student loan debt as a cover. 

Malicious Communications

Scammers use a variety of communication methods to launch malicious attacks, but they all have the same goal – to obtain information from you that can be used in stealing your identity, 你的钱, or taking over your personal accounts, e.g.你的银行账户.

在助学贷款偿还诈骗方面, scammers might offer you the promise of helping refinance your student loan debt, 不顾法律裁决取消学生贷款债务, 申请延长还款冻结, starting a FAFSA form, 启动学生贷款减免申请, 等. 

To best protect yourself, you should be familiar with the following types of malicious communications:

  • 网络钓鱼 – occurs when a scammer sends you an enticing email that includes a malicious link or attachment that harbors malware.
  • 短信诈骗 – occurs when a scammer uses a compelling text message to trick recipients into clicking a link and revealing private information or downloading malicious programs to a mobile device.
  • Vishing – occurs when a scammer reaches out to you through a phone call to solicit personal information from you.

Whatever way they try to reach you, make sure you ask yourself the following questions to analyze whether you’re the target of a scam:

  1. 他们打给我的号码是我不认识的还是没有来电显示的?
  2. 他们发短信给我的是6位数的短号码吗? (这可能意味着它是从自动拨号API或电子邮件帐户发送的, both of which are suspicious.)
  3. Did they ask for any personal information (credit card number, social security number, FSA ID, 等.)?
  4. 他们的谈话有紧迫感吗? 他们是否试图催促我采取行动?
  5. 他们给我提供了一个快速赚钱的方法吗?


Malicious websites are another tried-and-true way scammers will attempt to target you. These websites mimic legitimate ones in an attempt to steal your credentials and other sensitive information.

骗子会通过恶意网站提供虚假的学生贷款bet9平台游戏, promising consolidation of loans, switching repayment plans, and applications for deferment or forbearance – all of which you can apply for through the legitimate website of StudentAid.政府.

如果你在谷歌上搜索助学贷款偿还信息, or, perhaps you receive a seemingly normal email with a URL in it that claims to explain or help with student loan debt, 或者你只是想登录你的FAFSA账户, 确保你信任, 但验证. Ask yourself the following questions before clicking a link or navigating to a site:

  1. 网站地址栏有挂锁图标吗?
  2. URL的开头是否有http和/或挂锁图标?
  3. 我把鼠标悬停在链接上看看它会带我去哪里吗? 邮件中的链接是否显示了一个完全不同的域名?
  4. 网站是否有语法或拼写错误?
  5. 作为政府实体,该网站的域名是否正确?
  6. 是否有不完整或缺失的网站内容?
  7. Is the company logo on the website consistent with the company’s official logo?


Regardless of how vigilant you are, 骗子的手段越来越复杂,越来越难以辨别. Here are some resources to help you as you navigate the student loan repayment process and attempt to keep yourself protected from scams:

  • Connect with legitimate sources about the Federal Student Loan Debt Forgiveness Program 在这里.
  • Read the Federal Trade Commission’s tips for recognizing and avoiding phishing scams 在这里.
  • 如果你怀疑骗子有你的信息,请访问 IdentityTheft.政府.

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The Schneider Downs 网络安全 practice consists of experts offering a comprehensive set of information technology security services, including penetration testing, intrusion prevention/detection review, ransomware安全, vulnerability assessments and a robust digital forensics and incident response team. 除了, our Digital 法医s and Incident Response teams are available 24x7x365 at 1-800-993-8937 if you suspect or are experiencing a network incident of any kind.

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